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Large companies have established methods for testing new technologies in a variety of ways in their current businesses. However, these companies have not established strong processes for trying out earlier technologies in a variety of different markets that might become new businesses. Neither have they established strong channels for incorporating new, external ideas and resources into the innovation process. An innovation process that makes use of external components as a source and an outlet strengthens the overall business. This is the value of engaging Mercury Technology Labs.

Rather than restricting innovations to a single path to market, we help companies find the most appropriate business model to commercialize a new offering -- whether that model exists within the firm or must be sought through external licensing, partnering, or venturing. Mercury strategically partners with corporate research and development labs to evaluate their intellectual property and provide external commercialization support as part of a framework for open innovation.

Site Map ♦ Created by Sarah Petschonek ♦ Mercury Technology Labs © 2006